Vacation homes near you

Discover weekends away with all your people, including your four-legged friends.

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Make the whole group happy. Get first pick of the best vacation spaces and get together in a home that has something for everyone.

Explore vacation rentals for weekend getaways

When you find yourself longing for a change of scenery, a weekend getaway could be just what the doctor ordered. There's nothing like a mini adventure to recharge your spirit and keep you going through the hustle of everyday life. Trade the noise of your daily routine for a secluded cabin with a cozy fireplace or an apartment where you can have your morning coffee on a balcony with an incredible view, even if it's just for 2 days. Short-term rentals in cities like San Diego, New Orleans, and Denver are yours for the taking.

Your weekend getaway, your rules

The first step to a memorable weekend getaway is finding that spot that resonates with you. It could be a charming bungalow where you can lie back on a plush bed and binge-watch the latest top series on a massive TV screen after a long walk through the woods. Or it could be a sleek studio with a balcony overlooking the bustling streets of a major city like Seattle, an immaculate contemporary home in Santa Fe, or an elegant condo in Portland, ME. Whatever makes your weekend trip a success, whether it's a secluded cottage with a kitchen stocked with premium appliances, a country villa with natural light and inspiring views where you can lie back in the outdoor spa and relax to the sounds of nature, or a modern beach house with floor-to-ceiling windows offering unobstructed views of the ocean, you'll find it on Vrbo. It's your adventure, based on what makes you feel happy and relaxed, where you can spend your weekend getaway doing exactly what you want in a short-term rental that's tailored to your needs.

Embrace the joy of now

Picture waking up in an elegant apartment, pressing a button on a top-range coffee machine that grinds the beans and makes your morning coffee and then drinking it as you look out on a view that steals your breath away. After that, you can consider lazily exploring local haunts at your own pace or unwinding with a gripping novel in a hammock. Weekend trips are an invitation to live in the moment and soak in life's pleasures. These short-term rentals aren't just about a place to stay—they're about crafting those moments of bliss and connection, making every minute count. You won't want to spend any of that precious time trying to deal with unexpected problems or chatty hosts. Choosing a weekend getaway that promises peace of mind on top of a change of scene is key. Opt for a retreat where the details are taken care of for you, where your privacy is paramount, and where you can truly feel at ease from the moment you walk in.

Make your weekend getaway happen

If you're dreaming about a weekend trip, check out the short-term rentals on offer for weekend getaways, from luxury apartments with heated floors to rustic cabins in secluded spots. With an array of homes that cater to every taste and need, your next great escape is closer than you think. Embrace the spontaneity, let your curiosity lead, and turn those weekend dreams into reality. A short, sweet escape will sprinkle your life with happiness, provide a fresh perspective, and recharge your soul. Whether it's a ski chalet in midwinter or a sunny beach cottage in the south, you'll find it here.

Your next weekend trip is just a click away

Your next weekend getaway starts with a single click. Your gateway to a refreshing weekend escape is at your fingertips, beckoning you to step out of the routine and into a world of new experiences. Whether it's the allure of mother nature or the vibrant energy of city streets that calls to you, there are weekend getaways galore waiting for you. Set the stage for unforgettable experiences that not only rejuvenate your spirit but also bring you closer to the vibrant life you yearn for in stressful midweek moments.