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Hanging planters

Elevate your greenery game with IKEA’s indoor and outdoor hanging planter collection. Our modern hanging plant holders securely hold your favorite plants, adding beauty, color and texture to your space. Hanging planters are a timeless, affordable way to add instant curb appeal to homes of all sizes and styles. Take full advantage of your vertical space with hanging plant pots, perfect for windows, porches, patios and balconies.

Decorating with hanging planters

There are countless reasons we think hanging planters make a perfect addition to any indoor or outdoor space, but we’ve put together five of our favorites to help guide you in your decorating journey!

Hanging plant holders help define a space

Whether you have an open concept home, or are simply looking to carve out a defined corner in a larger room, hanging planters can help! We love a good nook for reading and relaxing, but a walled-off area isn’t always possible. Once you’ve chosen a location to create your space-within-a-space, add a chair, small side table and hanging planter for an instant oasis.

A hanging planter is renter-friendly

As much as many renters would love to hang heavy artwork from the walls, or install new bathroom lighting, many such enhancements are usually off the table. But luckily, with a little creativity you can make your space your own without lifting a hammer or drill (or otherwise risking your security deposit!)

Hanging plant pots can be hung from existing curtain rods or window hooks—including those random hooks you sometimes find throughout your home, and think, “What did the previous tenant use this for?” No existing hooks or rods to work with? Tension rods make a perfect, non-permanent solution that you can take with you when you move. 

Hanging plant pots can be kept out-of-reach for kids and pets

There is something about indoor plants that pets and children seemingly can’t resist. And a hanging planter helps take away that temptation to make a mess!

But beyond the potential for spills and dirt-tasting adventures, some plants and flowers can also be toxic to pets when ingested. Hanging planters help keep them safe by eliminating the opportunity to eat the plant. That said, it’s important to consider that determined cats can often find a way, so we recommend pet owners choose pet-safe plants, even for hanging plant holders.

Placement ensures they get the right amount of light

Once you’ve chosen a location for your hanging planter, consider how much light that space receives. This will help you in choosing plants that thrive under those conditions. As a bonus, because hanging plants are designed to stay in the same place, you’ll only have to do this homework once. This helps in ensuring your plants continually get adequate light, which can be tricky to account for if you have a lot of potted plants that you relocate often.

They don’t take up any surface space

From cluttered countertops to teeming tables, clean and clear surface space can be difficult to maintain in a busy home. By hanging your plants up, up and away, you preserve that precious space while also saving your plants from potentially getting knocked over or buried behind mail and forgotten.

Update your space inside and out with modern indoor and outdoor hanging planters from IKEA!