Personalized Christmas ornaments

Personalized Christmas ornaments

Personalized Christmas ornaments are a perfect holiday gift. These ornaments are made from a flat durable acrylic material and can be customized with photos, pets, cats, dogs, or even faces! We include a small hole for ornament hangers so it’s an easy addition to any Christmas tree.

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Personalized Christmas ornaments
Free shipping in 4 days

Free shipping in 4 days

Get your personalized christmas ornaments fast with 4 day turnaround and free shipping.

Get an online proof

Get an online proof

Review your proof shortly after checkout and request changes until you're happy.

Hanger hole included

Hanger hole included

Each ornament features a 2 mm hole to make hanging ornaments on your xmas tree simple.

Elevate your Christmas tree game

Upload any image or photo and we’ll turn it into a custom acrylic Christmas ornament. Shortly after checkout we’ll send you an online proof showing how your Christmas ornament will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you’re happy. Each order ships free in 4 days or less.

Never lose your Christmas spirit with this personalized ornament!

We may not be in the North Pole, but we can make your Christmas ornaments extra special! Design and personalize your acrylic Christmas ornaments with your favorite family memories, pet photos, or custom business logos to help your tree have an extra sparkle this Christmas season.

Reviews for personalized christmas ornaments

  • 4.2 / 5

  • 2,997

    Total reviews

  • 80%

    Would order again

  • AC
    Ashley - River Way Ranch Camp

    The acrylic charms that I ordered turned out so cute! They were keychains for our staff and everyone loved them. We're going to have to place a reorder since they were so well-received! It is difficult to put on the ring that comes with it without jewelry pliers, though. However, that does mean that they are also hard to take off once put on! The product itself was very well-made and durable. The ...

  • T

    One of the keychains came with a noticeable defect but I emailed the company and they sent me a discount on my next order. Great service.

  • J

    I love the quality of the charms but the colors are verrrry faded. the charm next to a sticker of the same design you can tell such a huge difference. sticker printing is 10/10 but these charms weren't worth the money.

  • MG
    Michael Gondek

    Always an awesome experience! My customers love this stuff!!

  • Lucas Weatbrook

    I really like the product and enjoyed giving them to friends and family. The only problem that I found is how the image doesn’t have both sides being protected. Because of this some of the image chipped away from fitting another object. I think the best way to fix this would be to have the image sandwiched in between two plastics. I hope that makes sense. Other wise I really do love the product.

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