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14 Little Ways To Build Confidence in Children With Eczema

Mother and child embracing.

Eczema, which affects up to 20% of children, is a chronic skin disease that causes dry, red, itchy skin. Unfortunately, other challenges come along with the physical symptoms, including diminished mental well-being and confidence. Here, Dr. Leah Ansell, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, shares her go-to tips and resources for parents to help their kids stay emotionally healthy while living with eczema.

Ask Your Kid About School

Asking your child about their day-to-day can help you uncover if they’re being bullied or teased about their eczema. If they are, these tips can help.

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Help Your Child Develop An Eczema “Script”

Teaching your child how to answer questions about their skin builds confidence. Start by demonstrating one or two canned answers to common curiosities.

Foster Strong Self-Esteem Early On

Every child has a unique personality and set of strengths and insecurities. Help them learn to celebrate what makes them unique and find the confidence to be themselves from a young age.

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Consider New Treatment Options

If your child’s topical Rx isn’t working, ask about trying a new one, or if severe, consider an injectable to reduce inflammation. Less itch = more confidence.

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Be A Strong Role Model

Navigating childhood with a skin condition is difficult. As their caregiver, you want to be the best support system you can be. Try these strategies to help develop healthy parenting habits.

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Help Them Establish A Simple Skincare Routine

Better controlling eczema can help quell the negative mental side effects. Applying these lotions to damp skin may help.

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Stress and anxiety worsen eczema, and worsening eczema causes stress and anxiety. Improving symptoms helps break this cycle.

Help Them Log Better Zzz’s

Getting quality sleep is linked to a healthy self-image, but many kids with eczema struggle with this due to the itch. Ask your doctor what may help.

Prioritize Their Overall Health

Eczema can be exacerbated by illness like a cold or the flu. Boost your child’s immune system with these steps to keep them healthy and reduce the chance of a flare.

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Have Your Child Write Themselves a Kind Letter

A parental pep talk can lessen the eczema blues. A kind “note-to-self” can help when mom and dad can’t chat. Here’s how to help your child write one.

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Teach Them To Honor Each Other's Differences

You can’t control how other kids may respond to your child’s eczema, but you can raise your child to treat others with kindness and empathy—and hope their peers follow suit.

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Make Your Child Part Of Their Care Team

Ask your child how they feel about their treatments and encourage them to ask their healthcare provider questions. Giving them an active role in their care can be empowering.

Communicate About the Emotional Impact

Eczema can impact far more than skin. It’s important your child feels comfortable talking about how their condition is affecting their emotions, sleep, social interactions, and more. Try these methods to support their needs.

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Ask For A Referral

If your child’s eczema severely impacts their confidence, they may benefit from seeing a psychologist. Your pediatrician can provide a referral.