Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Navigating the Challenges of the Disease

Every five minutes, someone around the world receives a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Over the past two decades, MS has emerged as a global significant concern. This disease, despite current medications, is often unpredictable, bringing uncertainty and the possibility of disability to those it affects.

MS is a chronic autoimmune condition caused by degeneration of the central nervous system. Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates nerves, similar to the protective covering of an electric wire. It enables nerves to transmit their impulses rapidly. Multiple sclerosis manifests when the immune system mistakenly attacks this covering and damages the nerve fiber.

While substantial progress has been made in alleviating these symptoms and modifying the course of the disease, particularly for relapsing forms of MS, a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis continues to elude the medical community. The cause of this ailment is also not clear.

At Alera, we believe that a complementary approach is crucial to comprehensively address the challenges posed by MS. Chronic conditions are underpinned by distinctive molecular alterations that differ in each patient despite having the same diagnosis. Hence, an integrative and personalized therapeutic strategy is the key to effectively addressing this disease.

Proteome Therapy: an Innovative Healing Approach for Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis manifests through inflammation, but it doesn’t adhere to a singular symptomatic pattern. The majority of individuals with MS encounter a variety of symptoms, and while some are widespread, it’s rare for a single person to experience all of them. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment.

Consider the human body as a complex network, where cells are constantly coordinating with each other through an intricate interplay of messenger proteins. Our proteome is the collection of expressed proteins responsible for governing cell and body functions.

Alera’s advanced Proteome Therapy customizes MS therapy based on the individual protein profile. Variations in the levels of key proteins can disrupt the body’s balance leading to a malfunctional immune system. This unique therapy aims to restore the harmony of molecular interactions that govern inflammation, the immune system, and ultimately overall well-being.

To effectively manage IBD, it is essential to gain a deep understanding of their underlying causes, confront the multifaceted challenges they pose, and explore the benefits of holistic approaches alongside conventional treatments.

"Personalized medicine is going to be specific to the target, it is going to cure more people, it will have less side effects.”
Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Award in Chemistry, 2004)

Up to 75% Success rate With application of Proteome Therapy to different diseases
0 %
> 100 Diseases treated With personalized Proteome Therapy
> 0
6 months Personalized
Treatment Plan

A unique Approach: From Analysis to Personalized Nanobiology and Serology to achieve improvement for MS patients

All this therapy requires is a blood sample to gain insights into potential molecular irregularities that might be at the root of the patient’s condition. A comprehensive medical-scientific report provides guidance to the medical team in devising specialized recommendations to rectify imbalances in the proteome profile.

Based on these recommendations, Alera develops nanobiological and serological solutions tailored to the unique proteome of each patient. This advanced proteome therapy is designed to minimize any potential side effects and to ensure a high level of tolerance and compatibility. This innovative approach tackles multiple sclerosis from an unconventional point of view, seeking the return to a balanced immune system, and ultimately achieving a balanced body.

Why it is unique:

Blood test to analyze the proteome profile

Production of tailored capsules and serum injections

Generation of a personalized medical-scientific report

Initial evaluation with our medical team
