Personalized Christmas ornaments

Personalized Christmas ornaments

Personalized Christmas ornaments are a perfect holiday gift. These ornaments are made from a flat durable acrylic material and can be customized with photos, pets, cats, dogs, or even faces! We include a small hole for ornament hangers so it’s an easy addition to any Christmas tree.

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Personalized Christmas ornaments
Free shipping in 4 days

Free shipping in 4 days

Get your personalized christmas ornaments fast with 4 day turnaround and free shipping.

Get an online proof

Get an online proof

Review your proof shortly after checkout and request changes until you're happy.

Hanger hole included

Hanger hole included

Each ornament features a 2 mm hole to make hanging ornaments on your xmas tree simple.

Elevate your Christmas tree game

Upload any image or photo and we’ll turn it into a custom acrylic Christmas ornament. Shortly after checkout we’ll send you an online proof showing how your Christmas ornament will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you’re happy. Each order ships free in 4 days or less.

Never lose your Christmas spirit with this personalized ornament!

We may not be in the North Pole, but we can make your Christmas ornaments extra special! Design and personalize your acrylic Christmas ornaments with your favorite family memories, pet photos, or custom business logos to help your tree have an extra sparkle this Christmas season.

Reviews for personalized christmas ornaments

  • 4.2 / 5

  • 2,992

    Total reviews

  • 80%

    Would order again

  • F

    Non è stato il mio primo ordine e sicuramente non sarà neanche l'ultimo... Ciondoli perfetti, consegna nei tempi e team disponibile e molto celere per qualsiasi informazione... Azienda Top!!!

  • RS
    Renee Stafford

    These are so cool

  • Nyitah Aurora

    Replacements were sent to replace the damaged ones in fast time!

  • K

    I was so excited to get these in! Definitely will order more!!! Beautiful quality! Thank you Sticker Mule!

  • ST
    Stacy Talley

    The acrylic charms are perfect and very high quality. Turnaround time and shipping was super fast. I will definitely be back for more. Thank you!

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