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  2. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 5 - Wikipedia


    genesis 5 The generations of Adam till Noah. Two names are traditionally given significance: Enoch , who walked with God, and was not, for God took him , and Methuselah who was the oldest person whose age is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible .

  3. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 41 - Wikipedia


    genesis 41 At the end of two years, Pharaoh is troubled by dreams that no one is able to interpret. The chief cupbearer remembers Joseph and at his suggestion, Joseph is brought from prison to interpret the king's dreams.

  4. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 18 - Wikipedia


    genesis 18 God sends Abraham three angels , whom Abraham receives hospitably. They announce that he will have a son within a year, although he and his wife are already very old.

  5. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 48 - Wikipedia


    genesis 48 When Jacob feels the approach of death he sends for Joseph and his sons, and receives Ephraim and Manasseh among his own sons. The intention of Joseph was that the right hand of the aged patriarch should be placed on the head of the elder of the two; but Jacob set Ephraim the younger before his brother, "guiding his hands wittingly."

  6. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 2 - Wikipedia


    On the seventh day, the Sabbath, God rests, and sanctifies the day.God forms Adam out of earth ("adamah"), and sets him in the Garden of Eden, to watch over it.Adam is allowed to eat of all the fruit within it, except that of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."

  7. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 24 - Wikipedia


    genesis 24 Abraham sends his servant to his homeland to find a wife for Isaac. When the servant arrives in Nahor, he prays to God to determine who would be a good wife.

  8. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 37 - Wikipedia


    genesis 37 Joseph, Jacob's favorite son, is hated by his brothers on account of his dreams prognosticating his future dominion, and on the advice of Judah is secretly sold to a caravan of Ishmaelitic merchants going to Egypt.

  9. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 17 - Wikipedia


    genesis 17 God again appears to Abram, and enters into a personal covenant with him securing Abram's future: God promises him a numerous progeny, changes his name to " Abraham " and that of Sarai to " Sarah ," and institutes the circumcision of all males as an eternal sign of the covenant.