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  2. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 22 - Wikipedia


    God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah.Abraham agrees to God's command without argument, even though God gives him no reason for the sacrifice. After Isaac is bound to an altar, an angel stops Abraham at the last minute, at which point Abraham discovers a ram caught in some nearby bushes.

  3. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis - Wikipedia


    The Bible starts with the creation account, which occurs in six days. On the first day God creates light; on the second, the firmament of heaven; on the third, he separates water and land, and creates plant life; on the fourth day he creates the sun, moon, and stars; on the fifth day marine life and birds; on the sixth day land animals, and man and woman.

  4. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 9 - Wikipedia


    genesis 9 God makes a covenant with Noah : He and his descendants are free to eat meat, the animals will fear man; and man is forbidden to eat "flesh with its life, that is, its blood." God forbids murder, and gives a commandment: "Be fruitful and multiply."

  5. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 3 - Wikipedia


    genesis 3 Eve is convinced by a talking serpent to eat of the forbidden fruit . As punishment, the ground is cursed, Adam and Eve become mortal (because they no longer have access to the Tree of Life ), and they are driven out of the garden.

  6. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 19 - Wikipedia


    Two angels go to Sodom, where they are hospitably received by Lot. The men of the city wish to have sexual relations with them. Having thus shown that they have deserved their fate, Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire and brimstone.

  7. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 6 - Wikipedia


    genesis 6 The sons of God take wives of the daughters of men, and have children . God observes man's evil behaviour and decides to flood the earth and destroy all life.

  8. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 12 - Wikipedia


    God directs Abram to migrate to Canaan. There God appears to him and promises the land to his descendants. Abram is forced to go to Egypt in order to evade a famine.Abram asks his wife Sarai to pretend she is his sister.

  9. Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Genesis 4 - Wikipedia


    Cain and Abel are sons of Adam and Eve.They both offer sacrifice to the Lord, but the Lord favours Abel's sacrifice, and subsequently Cain murders Abel. The Lord questions Cain about Abel's location.