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  2. Tabanus nigrovittatus - Wikipedia


    The biting females are a considerable pest to both humans and animals while they seek a source of blood protein to produce additional eggs: [9] greenhead larvae develop in the mud of salt marshes, and adult flies mate and lay their first group of eggs in the marsh, but to lay more eggs a female fly needs to drink an animal's blood, and so ...

  3. Tasmanian devil - Wikipedia


    The Tasmanian devil has the most powerful bite relative to body size of any living mammalian carnivore, with a Bite Force Quotient of 181 and exerting a canine bite force of 553 N (124 lb f). [ 41 ] [ 42 ] The jaw can open to 75–80 degrees, allowing the devil to generate the large amount of power to tear meat and crush bones [ 38 ...

  4. Struwwelpeter - Wikipedia


    Eventually he is bitten by a dog, who goes on to eat the boy's food while Frederick is bedridden. Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug ("The Very Sad Tale with the Matches"): A girl plays with matches, accidentally ignites herself and burns to death. Only her cats mourn her.

  5. Snake venom - Wikipedia


    When biting, viperid snakes often strike quickly, discharging venom as the fangs penetrate the skin, and then immediately release. Alternatively, as in the case of a feeding response, some viperids (e.g. Lachesis) bite and hold. A proteroglyph or opisthoglyph may close its jaws and bite or chew firmly for a considerable time.

  6. Lignophagia - Wikipedia


    Lignophagia is the abnormal behaviour of chewing and eating wood. [1] It has been recorded in several species, but perhaps most commonly in horses where it is usually called, simply, "wood chewing". Lignophagia is a form of the pica disorder , in which normally non-nutritive substances are chewed or eaten.

  7. List of paraphilias - Wikipedia


    Paraphilias are sexual interests in objects, situations, or individuals that are atypical. The American Psychiatric Association, in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM), draws a distinction between paraphilias (which it describes as atypical sexual interests) and paraphilic disorders (which additionally require the experience of distress, impairment in functioning, and/or ...

  8. Ant venom - Wikipedia


    Of all extant ant species, about 71% are considered to be stinging species, as some subfamilies have evolutionarily lost the ability to sting. [1] Notable examples include a few species of medical importance, such as Solenopsis (fire ants), Pachycondyla, Myrmecia (bulldog ants), and Paraponera (bullet ants).

  9. Glycera (annelid) - Wikipedia


    Bloodworms have a creamy pink color, as their pale skin allows their red body fluids that contain haemoglobin to show through. This is the origin of the name "bloodworm". At the 'head', bloodworms have four small antennae and small fleshy projections called parapodia running down their bod