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  2. Dermatophagia - Wikipedia


    Those with dermatophagia typically chew the skin surrounding their fingernails and joints. They also chew on the bottom of their feet/toes, inside of their mouth, cheeks, and/or lips, causing blisters in and outside of the mouth. If the behavior is left unchecked for an extended period, calluses may start to develop where most of the biting is ...

  3. Excoriation disorder - Wikipedia


    Signs and symptoms Compulsive picking of the knuckles (via mouth) illustrating potentially temporary disfiguration of the distal and proximal joints of the middle and little fingers. The fingers have been compulsively picked and chewed in someone with excoriation disorder and dermatophagia.

  4. Lesch–Nyhan syndrome - Wikipedia


    Biting the fingers and lips is a definitive feature of Lesch–Nyhan syndrome; in other syndromes associated with self-injury, the behaviors usually consist of head banging and nonspecific self-mutilation, but not biting of the cheeks, lips and fingers.

  5. Autophagia - Wikipedia


    Autophagia refers to the practice of biting/consuming one's body. It is a sub category of self-injurious behavior (SIB). Commonly, it manifests in humans as nail biting and hair pulling. In rarer circumstances, it manifests as serious self mutilative behavior such as biting off one's fingers. Autophagia affects both humans and non humans.

  6. Russell's sign - Wikipedia


    Russell's sign, named after British psychiatrist Gerald Russell, is a sign defined as calluses on the knuckles or back of the hand due to repeated self-induced vomiting over long periods of time.

  7. Nail biting - Wikipedia


    Fingers of a nail-biter. Nail biting, also known as onychophagy or onychophagia, is an oral compulsive habit of biting one's fingernails. It is sometimes described as a parafunctional activity, the common use of the mouth for an activity other than speaking, eating, or drinking.

  8. Trichophagia - Wikipedia


    Signs and symptoms of trichophagia are variable depending on the individual's behavior patterns. Trichophagia's loosest definition is the putting of hair in one's mouth, whether that be to chew it or suck on it, with the strictest definition being that the hair is swallowed and ingested.

  9. Psychomotor agitation - Wikipedia


    In more severe cases, the motions may become harmful to the individual, and may involve things such as ripping, tearing, or chewing at the skin around one's fingernails, lips, or other body parts to the point of bleeding. Psychomotor agitation is typically found in various mental disorders, especially in psychotic and mood disorders.

  10. Misophonia - Wikipedia


    Signs and symptoms. As of 2016, the literature on misophonia was limited. [9] Some initial small studies showed that people with misophonia generally have strong negative feelings, thoughts, and physical reactions to specific sounds, which the literature calls "trigger sounds".

  11. Herpetic whitlow - Wikipedia


    Symptoms and signs. Symptoms of herpetic whitlow include swelling, reddening, and tenderness of the infected part. This may be accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes. Small, clear vesicles initially form individually, then merge and become cloudy, unlike in bacterial whitlow when there is pus.