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  2. Ending Auction Early b4 fake bids start? - The eBay Community


    Thinking about ending my auction early while I still have a real (hopefully) interested buyer. The auction is at $640 with my buy it now price at $650. Highest bidder has 2 feedback history, I sent them a message asking for a response to verify they are not a shill bidder and haven’t heard back in 2 days.

  3. I won an auction, seller sent worthless, wrong ite ... - The eBay...


    How about the seller's feedback.?see seller's feedback befor buying items.For me I m always see seller feedback profile and shipping before i am going to buy the items.Anyway you can ask seller what the reason is sending like this .but if you won't get good respond.According to the ebay policy You can report this seller and complain to ebay.

  4. As a buyer is it wrong to ask questions after winn ... - The eBay...


    Winning an auction or clicking "Confirm Purchase" does put you in a contract, whatever questions you may have. That doesn't justify a rude response, though, if you weren't rude in your question. Just know that sellers, as buyers are, are human and don't always have experience in knowing how to handle customers or treat individuals online ...

  5. Are auctions dead on eBay or...is there a wicked R ... - The eBay...


    I was able to find the 1st couple of auction items when doing a non category search I doubt eBay I hiding your items. For buy now items they got a majority reason to burry search results for GTC items so that they can make extra money from promoted listings sales due to the increased visibility from the service.

  6. BIN listings - The eBay Community


    Not a lot of notice for those of us who prefer to chose our own duration for BIN's. Like scifi said, it won't affect auction durations. The listing duration for all fixed price listings will be Good 'Til Cancelled. Starting in mid-March 2019, the listing duration for all new fixed price listings on eBay will be Good 'Til Cancelled.

  7. The eBay Community


    The eBay Community

  8. How to calculate auction ending time - The eBay Community


    depends where you live, ideal would be if you live in eastern time zone, list it at 12am, but if you live in west coast, list at like 8-9pm.

  9. eBay camper and RV auction and or sales a personne ... - The eBay...


    Their arer so many campers in the eBay auction ( & sales?) I am trying to desperately purchase an affordable camper trailer as a temporary home for myself and my family with very little money, it's not for fun .( But I'm not letting my kids know alll that ) I am using it as a temporary home ( it w...

  10. Seller Canceled my order on a no reserve auction ... - The eBay...


    I won a no reserve auction, I was the only bidder I bid about $20, auction ended with the minimum the seller was offering this item at, (their choice starting bid of .99 cent), The seller cancelled my order, on a no reserve auction, WHAT ?!? If you allow the seller to cancel an order won in this no...

  11. topic Random Tiny Things from CS@OrangeConnex.com in Shipping


    https://community.ebay.com/t5/Shipping/Random-Tiny-Things-from-CS-OrangeConnex-com/m-p/31415516#M354168 <P>It is likely a brushing scam, but you are not the victim.