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  2. Thesamba.com - Customer Reviews - Webwiki


    Thesamba.com ranks # 196833 in USA. Find Customer Reviews and Ratings of Thesamba.com. Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile. Vw, Bus, Type, 3 and 2

  3. Chassis - dunebuggyarchives.com


    I "need" a new pan, the tunnel on the old pan was completely gone (rust) so I discarded,thus the need for a new chassis.

  4. Dune Runner aka Road Runner and Fun Runner


    I started this thread for owners of these bodies. To start off a little history is in order. Dune Buggy Enterprises gave their bodies the moniker Road Runner but for obvious legal reasons (Chrysler and Warner Brother

  5. 1966 vw pan kellison sandpiper pickup - dunebuggyarchives.com


    my name is neil and i have been a vw fan since i bought my first bug in 1972. since then i've had about 15 of the 1965 - 1972 beetles. around 1983 a friend of mine was selling a fiberglass dune buggy body that he had sitting out in a field for a number of years. he couldn't tell me anything about it accept that it was old.

  6. Corvair Engine 6 Cyl + VW Adapter Plate - dunebuggyarchives.com


    Hey Matt, You know these motors either ran normally (opposite the VW engine rotation) (normal Corvair engine rotation with a reversed ring gear on a VW swing axle tranny) or ran backwards (normal VW engine rotation with the VW transaxle running normally) In order for the motor to turn backwards, the VW starter was usually retained.

  7. Brad's Buggy Build


    Well here's the progress report on the engine thus far. Ordered some .090 shims to replace the .060 shims under the barrels which will give me .070 deck height. I also bought a head CC kit and CCed the combustion chambers.... a little smaller than the advertised volume of 54cc's, try 48cc and that

  8. Martin Enterprises: Anyone Ever Heard of a Martin Buggy?


    It was listed on Samba last year. Yes, there is the teardrop indentations on each side of the hood, and a middle hood ridge. The rear is rounded, no cutouts, though the air intake of the carb extends vertical up thru a circular hole of the body, and it's centered behind the tag.

  9. Repairbooks.co.uk - Customer Reviews - Webwiki


    Find Customer Reviews and Ratings of Repairbooks.co.uk. The UKs leading distributor of car and motorcycle workshop manuals and accessories.

  10. Poty Spoiler (X-0002): I heard you guys can help


    Hi Josh - Those are some pretty good pictures. The hood is very similar to an Imp. I am trying to get word to John Shepard to see if he can help.

  11. Suby engine test fit - Deserter Buggy


    The rear uprights are NOS Chassis Shop parts. They made these many years ago for drag cars, buggies, etc. Yes - that's the neat thing, they take standard T1 IRS spindles, bearings, etc., though I'm running Thing stubs, custom brakes.... I lucked into them on the Samba a couple of years ago.